Boat Safety Resources
National Safe Boating Council Awards
Inspired by Hannah with
Waves of Hope Grassroots Outreach Funding
On behalf of the National Safe Boating Council and U.S. Coast Guard, Inspired by Hannah, has been named a recipient of grassroots grant funding from the National Safe Council’s Waves of Hope program for the 2023 boating season. Waves of Hope and this grassroots outreach funding project are produced under a grant from the Sports Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, administered by the United States Coast Guard. This award will enable us to expand our boat safety initiative to reach more families and boaters. Our mission is for boaters to keep safety at the forefront of their minds. We have created boat safety packets that include a U.S. Coast Guard mandatory onboard equipment list and a pre-departure checklist of essential items to review before pushing off the dock. We have collaborated with Sarah and Adam Lawrence from TowBoatUS Kent Narrows & Knapps Narrows to develop a “Boating Resources” sign that is currently being placed at private and county boat ramps. The centerpiece of the sign utilizes a QR Code that provides valuable information such NOAA tide cycles, marine forecasts, and other important resources in real- time to prevent accidents or injuries while boating. The most critical aspect of the Waves of Hope grant is to show the measurable impact Inspired by Hannah is making on the boating community. The number of packets distributed in the 2023 boating season will be tabulated and data will be collected on the “Boating Resources” signs QR code scans.
Founded in 1958, the National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) serves as a national catalyst for developing a safe boating culture by providing educational resources, outreach programming, and training opportunities for industry partners and the boating community to influence safe, secure, and responsible boating.
Waves of Hope is a coalition of forever-changed families and friends working together to prevent boating and open water tragedies.

Tide Guide Sign: Spreading Awareness of Changing Water Depths
Inspired by Hannah (Dave Ash) has a conversation with CBM News about the new tide guide signs at boat ramps in Queen Anne’s County, Maryland.
Recommended Pre-Departure Checklist
Please refer to this checklist before leaving the dock. These are good practice suggestions to help you & your family have an enjoyable and safe day out on the water!
U.S. Coast Guard Required Safety Equipment Checklist
For expert advice please visit www.boatus.com Spring Boating Safety Checklist April/May, 2023.
Tide Guide Sign
On May 3, 2022, Inspired by Hannah installed three “Tide Guide” Signs at the Kent Narrows, Matapeake and Shipping Creek boat landings in Queen Anne’s County, Maryland.
L & B Marine Supply
L & B Marine Supply is one of Hannah’s Marine Awareness Boat Safety Campaign supporters. Learn more about the company here!
Annual Safety Boating Magazine
See Inspired by Hannah “Parent Message” featured in the May 2021 edition of Boating magazine.
Info on Winds and Tides
Get accurate information on winds and tides through towjammmarine.com